What does "Email Undeliverable" mean?

On Manage Club Members and Manage Club Staff list, if a Member or Staff has "Email Undeliverable" in the Notifications column, this means that the email address has problems, and emails have been turned OFF for this email.   It could be caused by several issues:

Syntax Issue - the email is not formatted correctly.  Solution: If this is the issue, you can either Edit the email, and input the correct email, or remove this email from the Member or Staff list, and Invite the Member or Staff using the correct email.  

  - Recipient Email is on a Email Suppression List. - Their is no solution for this. Recipient should provide an alternative email address.  

- Recipient Email Client Bouncing the emails - Recipient Email Client is not allowing emails being sent from Clubster to be delivered to the recipient. This could be for a number of reasons, most likely the security settings.  Solution:  Only the recipient can fix this issue.  Please tell the recipient to:  "Contact your technical source for your email client, and ask them to add the Clubster email domain "clubstermail.com" to the approved sender list. This will allow future emails to be delivered to your email inbox."

Next: To Turn Email Notifications back ON:

Members and Staff that are Accepted, can always log into their Clubster account, go to My Clubs and Groups, go the Manage Membership, and check the box for "Allow notifications via email".

Members and Staff that are Pending, but already have a Clubster account, can log into their Clubster account, and Accept the invitation to the club, then go to Manage Membership, and check the box for "Allow notifications via email".

Members and Staff that are Pending, but do not yet have a Clubster account, can sign up and create their Clubster account, and then Accept the invitation to the club, then go to Manage Membership, and check the box for "Allow notifications via email".

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