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Group Staff must have Administration permissions inˇorderˇto enable the RSVP options for an event.ˇOn Create Group Events, the Enable Wait List feature, will allow users the option to be added to the Wait List, once the maximum attendee number for the event has been reached. The Limited Attendees feature must be enabled for an event, and a maximum number of Attendees for the event must be specified, in order for the Wait List to be enabled.ˇ Once the Attendee list has reached the maximum number of Attendees, the Wait list will start.ˇ Once the Wait list has started, if an RSVP on the Attendee list is canceled, the earliest created RSVP (by date and time) on the Wait list, with a total attending number equal to or less than the total attending number of the canceled RSVP, will automatically be moved from the Wait list to the Attendee List.ˇˇ