Differentiating club from "Clubster"
Suggestions so members of a club (in my case the San Diego Yacht Club) feel more connected to clubster site:
The San Diego Yacht Club burgee (logo) should be somewhere on this page. Ideally with a lot more prominence than "Clubster" in the top left corner.
<org-name>.clubster.com, or even clubster.com/<org-name> (in this case SDYC) would be appropriate as well
Most members won't have memberships at other clubs or organizations on clubster so having a preference setting for displaying (<club-name>) after someone's name on top of a posting vs (<club title>) or (<primary-committee>), like "Sail," or "Power," would be infinitely more helpful.
Photo album feature, like facebook, with the ability to tag people would encourage a feeling of camaraderie.
List all members of the club who have signed up. I just joined and don't see anyone other than staff members listed which immediately makes me think this service is not very interesting and certainly doesn't encourage me to come back.
Make it more obvious that a posting will show up on the main club home page or just my "locker room." It appears some have posted updates via their locker room which were meant to show up on the main club page.
A site like this is perfectly poised to capture a lot of oral history. This needs to be formalized so that our older members are encouraged to write up their personal stories about the club. This would include, "last call" (deceased) members listed as well so that oral histories can link to everyone, present and past.
To encourage participation there needs to be incentives (rewards, prizes, etc.) for activity and useful postings. Especially to kick off the site in its first year. Without current, fresh, and useful information being posted here on a regular basis few will wish to make it a primary destination on the web.
Dave Kelly commented
I completely agree that Clubster needs to carry the local club brand identity. This localizes Clubster and brings this app into the club brand portfolio.